Farmer's Choice Bouquet
Brighten someone’s day—or your own—with the Farmer's Choice Bouquet, a stunning collection of freshly harvested blooms delivered straight from the farm. Each stem is hand-picked to ensure only the freshest, most vibrant flowers make it into every arrangement.
With the ever-changing seasons, the blooms and colors in your bouquet will vary week to week, offering a delightful surprise every time. Each bouquet is beautifully hand-tied in rustic brown craft paper or elegantly arranged in a sleek, modern clear vase.
Delivery Instructions:
Choose between local delivery or farm pick-up.
Orders must be placed at least three days before the desired delivery date to allow ample time for harvesting and assembling blooms.
Delivery is available only in Elkton, St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville, Hastings, and Palatka areas.
If ordering multiple bouquets for different addresses, please add a comment clarifying delivery details or create separate orders for each address.
Whether as a thoughtful gift or a special treat for yourself, the Farmer's Choice Bouquet brings seasonal beauty and fresh flowers right to your door.
Thank you for supporting your local farmer!
Brighten someone’s day—or your own—with the Farmer's Choice Bouquet, a stunning collection of freshly harvested blooms delivered straight from the farm. Each stem is hand-picked to ensure only the freshest, most vibrant flowers make it into every arrangement.
With the ever-changing seasons, the blooms and colors in your bouquet will vary week to week, offering a delightful surprise every time. Each bouquet is beautifully hand-tied in rustic brown craft paper or elegantly arranged in a sleek, modern clear vase.
Delivery Instructions:
Choose between local delivery or farm pick-up.
Orders must be placed at least three days before the desired delivery date to allow ample time for harvesting and assembling blooms.
Delivery is available only in Elkton, St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville, Hastings, and Palatka areas.
If ordering multiple bouquets for different addresses, please add a comment clarifying delivery details or create separate orders for each address.
Whether as a thoughtful gift or a special treat for yourself, the Farmer's Choice Bouquet brings seasonal beauty and fresh flowers right to your door.
Thank you for supporting your local farmer!
Brighten someone’s day—or your own—with the Farmer's Choice Bouquet, a stunning collection of freshly harvested blooms delivered straight from the farm. Each stem is hand-picked to ensure only the freshest, most vibrant flowers make it into every arrangement.
With the ever-changing seasons, the blooms and colors in your bouquet will vary week to week, offering a delightful surprise every time. Each bouquet is beautifully hand-tied in rustic brown craft paper or elegantly arranged in a sleek, modern clear vase.
Delivery Instructions:
Choose between local delivery or farm pick-up.
Orders must be placed at least three days before the desired delivery date to allow ample time for harvesting and assembling blooms.
Delivery is available only in Elkton, St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville, Hastings, and Palatka areas.
If ordering multiple bouquets for different addresses, please add a comment clarifying delivery details or create separate orders for each address.
Whether as a thoughtful gift or a special treat for yourself, the Farmer's Choice Bouquet brings seasonal beauty and fresh flowers right to your door.
Thank you for supporting your local farmer!